



Hunger Is The Leading Cause Of Death In The World. Our Planet Has Provided Us With Tremendous Resources, But Unequal Access And Inefficient Handling Leaves Millions Of People Malnourished. If We Promote Sustainable Agriculture With Modern Technologies And Fair Distribution Systems, We Can Sustain The Whole World’s Population And Make Sure That Nobody Will Ever Suffer From Hunger Again.

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Detailed goals

veryone Can Help To Make Sure That We Meet The Global Goals. Use These Eight Targets To Eradicate World Hunger.


Goal 2-1 Universal access to safe and nutritious food

End hunger by 2030 and ensure that all people, especially poor and vulnerable groups ( including infants ) , have continued access to safe, nutritious and adequate food.


Goal 2-2 End all forms of malnutrition

Eliminate all forms of malnutrition by 2030, including meeting the international targets for stunting and wasting in children under five by 2025, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly need.


Target 2-3 Double the productivity and income of small-scale food producers

By 2030, double rural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, especially women, indigenous people, family farmers, herders and fishermen, including providing them with safe and equitable access to land, productive resources, A pipeline of knowledge, financial services, markets, value-added opportunities, and off-farm employment opportunities.


Goal 2-4 Sustainable food production and resilient agricultural practices

By 2030 , ensure sustainable food production systems and implement disaster-resilient rural practices to increase production capacity and productivity, help maintain ecosystems, and strengthen resilience to climate change, extreme weather, droughts, floods, and other disasters capabilities and gradually improve the quality of land and soil.


Goal 2-5 Maintain genetic diversity in food production

By 2020 , maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants, livestock and their related wild species, including through the use of national, international and regional well-managed and diverse seed and plant banks, and ensuring the use of genetic engineering and Benefits arising from traditional knowledge are equitably shared in accordance with international agreements.


Goal 2-A Invest in rural infrastructure, agricultural research, technology and gene banking

Increase investment in rural infrastructure, rural research, expanded services, scientific and technological development, and plant and livestock gene banks, including through better international cooperation, to improve agricultural productivity in developing countries, especially underdeveloped countries.


Objective 2-B Prevent agricultural trade restrictions, market distortions and export subsidies

Correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions in the global agricultural market, including the elimination of various forms of agricultural export subsidies and export measures with equivalent effectiveness, in accordance with the consensus reached in the Doha Development Round .


Objective 2-C Ensure stable food commodity markets and timely access to information

Take measures to ensure the normal operation of grain commodity markets and their derivatives and promote timely access to market information, including grain reserves, to curb extreme grain price fluctuations.

中華黃頁:Super Hipage